Tuesday, 28 September 2010

SOBD volunteers

This is a reminder to all SOBD volunteers regarding your activities.

First is the health screening activity which will take place on Thursday, 30th September 2010 at 8am at Ripas Sports Complex. Training will take place on Wednesday, 29th September 2010 at the same place.

Due to the number of athletes being less than was initially expected, the health screening event will only take place in the morning and so, all volunteers are required to come in the morning. Also, because Thursday is UBD Graduation Day, there will be no classes and therefore you have less of an excuse to not be there :D

Here is the list of volunteers for health screening:

Vivian Tsang Hiu man 09B3080
Muhammad Harif Bin Arun 10b4097
Zatil 'Iffah Jahirah Bt Awg Tengah 09b3073
Kelvin Soo Wu kuien 10b2017
Siti Khadijah Haji Metali 09b1105
Hafizah Binti Saidi 09b1252
Fadhilah binti Hj Yahya 08b2210
Muhammad Nuh Bin Haji Abdul Hamid 09b1259
Wilhemina Bangga 09m0048
Hjh Masmahirah Bte Hj Md Tali 09b1088
Farah Fadilah Bte Hj Abd Shamad 09b1110
Muhd Izzat Bin Hj Baidi 09b1053
Abdul Khafidh Bin Haji Omar 09b1150
Muhd Fakhrullah Bin Yahya 09b4045
Nursyafina bte Jorsni 10b1172
Pang Khao Yin 09B4082
Nur Hazirah Binti Morni 09b4008
Elwina Danstan 09b1159
**Nurulaini binti haji Bakar 09b1046
Hjh Nurul Aqilah Hj Ibrahim 09b1023
Siti Amal Yusrina Hj Md Zalan 09b1134
Mak Chee How 08b1712
Zuriah Zabidi 08b2996
Dk Siti Nor fakhrina pg Samsu 08b3038
Abdul Khalliq Kaflee 08b0737
Mohammad Husaini Mohammad 08b2966
Fadzillah binti zulkipli 08b0511
Chan moi ping 10b4165
Yong min hui 10b4144
Dk norul serimah pg hj seruji 09b8200
Elzarina zuki 09b8203
Nor amal nabilah binti ismail 10B3105
Muhd Afandi Hj Ebil 08B2107
Hazirah binti haji jalil 08B2510
Fahmi bin mahusin 10B1118
Ummi Maryam binti Haji yussof 08B2101
Rabiatul adawiyah Hj reduan 08B3089
Mohammad sahlan zuhairi zakaria 08B2609
Nur Atiqah Binti Raduan 08b2103
Nor Fatin hazirah Hj othman 08b2987
fauzilelawati Abdullah 08b2937
Dk siti hadizah Pg Julaihi 08b2934
Nurul Shazella (09b1038)
Nancy Nyanggai 09b1058
**Siti Norzahirah binti Muhd Saifuddin (09b1170)
Dk Siti Amalina @ Fitri Pg Hj Rosli 10B1059
Chong mui foon 08b2108

In regards to the volunteers for the technical committee, there will be a test on Thursday afternoon at 3.30 at the MPH stadium. It will be a written test based on the game of bocce. This test is neccessary because it qualifies you to be one of the judges for the game, which is the post you are actually volunteering for. For those of you who do not have the rules at hand, you can google them up. Please be at the MPH stadium by 3 pm for the test.

As for the SOBD event itself, the morning shift will be from 8am to 1pm, and the afternoon shift will be from 12pm to 6 pm.

Here's the list of volunteers according to their time shifts:

Friday, 1st October 2010
Morning shift

Nur Atiqah Binti Raduan 08B2103
Hjh Siti Khadijah Binti Haji Mumin 09b4038
Noorhamizah Binti Hj Mohammad 09b4098
Mona Adiliana Binti Asmat 09b4052
Fadhilah Binti Haji Yahya 08B2210
Siti Nurul Basitah Binti Haji Asli 10B1224
Bazilah Binti Haji Asli 10B1049
Siti Nur Qurratu'aini Binti Haji Rosli 10B1218
Hafizah Saidi 09B1252
Siti Khadijah Haji Metali 09B1105

Afternoon shift

Nur Hazirah Binti Morni 09B4008
Pang Khao Yin 09B4082
Nurul Shazella Binti Ahmad Nasir 09B1038
Nancy Nyanggai 09B1058
Haniezah Binti Haji Mat Emran 10B3061
Hanirol Nurfadzidah Binti Mohd. Salleh 08D0042
Khairunnisa Bte Duraman 10B3070
Ainul Rushdah Marzuki 10B1020
Nurul Nadirah Hj Mokhsen 10T0138

Saturday, 2nd October 2010
Morning shift

Hjh Siti Khadijah Binti Haji Mumin 09b4038
Noorhamizah Binti Hj Mohammad 09b4098
Mona Adiliana Binti Asmat 09b4052
Fadhilah Binti Haji Yahya 08B2210
Afiqah Hanum binti Haji Murni 10B1017
Hafizah Saidi 09B1252
Siti Khadijah Haji Metali 09B1105

Afternoon shift

Nur Hazirah Binti Morni 09B4008
Pang Khao Yin 09B4082
Nurul Shazella Binti Ahmad Nasir 09B1038
Nancy Nyanggai 09B1058
Dk Siti Amalina @ Fitri Pg Hj Rosli 10B1059
Ampuan Mohd Aizat Bin Ampuan Umar 10B1027
Mohammad Najib bin Haji Annuar 10B4092
Ak Mohammad Naqiuddin bin Pg Rahim 10B3180
Mohammad Wafeeq bin Arsad 10B4094

Sunday, 3rd October 2010
Morning shift

Hjh Siti Khadijah Binti Haji Mumin 09b4038
Noorhamizah Binti Hj Mohammad 09b4098
Mona Adiliana Binti Asmat 09b4052
Fadhilah Binti Haji Yahya 08B2210
Haniezah Binti Haji Mat Emran 10B3061
Hanirol Nurfadzidah Binti Mohd. Salleh 08D0042
Khairunnisa Bte Duraman 10B3070
Ainul Rushdah Marzuki 10B1020

Afternoon shift

Nur Atiqah Binti Raduan 08B2103
Nur Hazirah Binti Morni 09B4008
Pang Khao Yin 09B4082
Nurul Shazella Binti Ahmad Nasir 09B1038
Nancy Nyanggai 09B1058
Dk Siti Nurul Nadzirah Pg Othman 10B3038
Ak Md Yusri Bin Pg Sani 10B1037
Muhammad Khairi Bin Abdul Latif 10B1129
Muhammad Faithul Islam Bin Abu Bakar 10B1119
Fatin Nuramalina Bt Aslin 10B1065

This is the list of volunteers. If you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask. =)

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