Sunday, 19 September 2010

URGENT: Volunteers needed for Peace One Day Celebration.


Peace One Day Celebration

Opening Ceremony

Day: Tuesday

Date: 21st September 2010

Time: 8.00am onwards

Venue: UBD Sport Complex

Attire: Anything comfortable (preferably light blue shirt or green-blueish shirt)

Closing Ceremony (Mini Football Tournament)

Date: 26th September 2010

Time: 8.00am – 10.00pm

Venue: UBD Sport Complex

Attire: Anything comfortable (preferably light blue shirt or green-blueish shirt)

Volunteers are needed to attend either on the 21st or 26th. However, if you want to attend both dates, you might do so! :)

More details:

Volunteers will be divided into four groups (you can actually choose which group you prefer). Each group has its own “leader”.

The four groups are:

1) Logistic (Leader: Dean)

2) Public Relation (Leader: Julian)

3) Decoration (Leader: Sally)

4) Booth (Leader: Fina)

Volunteers for logistic:

Your tasks

- Preparing the PA system,

- Sound check,

- Putting up banners

- Helping the outline for Human Peace Chain

Also, if you are good with taking pictures or videos, you might want to volunteer with logistic, as the UBD International Club provides the Video Camera.

You will be needed to attend the preparation day for this celebration, which is on Monday, 20th September 2010, 10 am, meet point at the front of UBD Library.

Volunteers for Public Relation:

Your tasks

- Helping people to gather during the Human Peace Chain,

- Ushering people to the places in UBD Sport Complex,

- Handing out flyers

Volunteers for Decoration:

Your tasks

- Help with decorations for certain places such as VIP room, entrance

- Helping the outline for Human Peace Chain

You will be needed to attend the preparation day on Monday, 20th September 2010, 9 am, meet point at UBD Sport Complex.

Volunteers for Booth:

Your tasks:

- Help with the selling of food, drinks, t-shirt and etc

- Handling the games, such as face paint

Also, you will be needed to attend the preparation day, on Monday, 20th September, 9am, meet point at UBD Sport Complex.

If you are interested,

Please submit your full name for certificate, contact number and e-mail address, and send them to, with “Peace One Day” as the e-mail subject.

Any questions, please contact Fadzillah (8666524): I will give you the contact number for each group leader.

Or go to Facebook: UBD Volunteering and Charity Club

Thank you,

Sorry for the last minute announcement!

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