Sunday, 11 March 2012

Visit to the Old Folks Home at Seria

Assalamualaikum and greetings everyone!

Last Saturday on the 3rd of March, a handful of us UVC volunteers went on a visit to an Old Folks Home at Seria. Everyone had gathered at the UBD Chancellor Hall as early as 7am, even before the buses had arrived! We started our journey to Seria at 8am and the trip took almost 2 hours, so we arrived at the scene about 9.30am.

Upon our arrival, we were greeted by a friendly old lady who is part of the Old Folk Home Committee where she introduced herself and soon brought out the Old Folks for a 'Meet and Greet' session with us UVC volunteers. At first we were shy as most of us, it was the first time being around and meeting them at their home. Personally I initially thought that it would be a walk in a park but talking to old people is pretty tough! Eventually we dragged our seats near to them and started talking to them about their past experiences, story and adventures.

Here are some of the pictures during our 'Meet and Greet' session:

After the 'Meet and Greet' session, we then preceded to hand over some goodie bags for the Old Folks, sponsored by an anonymous person, in this note, we, the whole UVC volunteers would like to say a big THANK YOU! to the anonymous person who had donated $100 to buy the goodie bags, may God bless your kind heart, may you live in prosperity and longevity! The smiles on the Old Folks were priceless and unforgettable.

Happy faces and smiles from the Old Folks and UVC volunteers:

Our time at the Old Folks home then continued to their respective houses, in which their houses only consisted of a room, us UVC volunteers helped and guided them to their houses and i regret to say that the standard of living for these Old Folks were not up to par with the standard normal houses in Brunei. We shed tears just watching the conditions of their daily lives as they shared more stories when we were in their houses especially how they were brought to the Old Folks Home at the first time. One elderly said 'just waiting here to die', it had made a profound effect on our heart and souls as we were brought down to earth on how lucky we are. Some of us also planned to come back next time to help out with their standard of living such as repairing their houses, repainting, planting flowers, etc. As pessimistic as the elder was, he was thankful to His Majesty for the monthly allowances that he gets in order to buy his daily needs for his ailing wife. At 11am, UVC catered lunch not only for its members but also for the Old Folks, it was a nice gesture by UVC for everyone.

More pictures during our trip:

The trip ended at 12pm with a photo session between the Old Folks Home committee and the UVC volunteers:

At about 1pm, us UVC volunteers then headed to OGDG for an educational trip where we were amazed by the sights, sound and wonders on how gas was extracted in Brunei, not forgetting the science-based game that they offered! The most exciting part of the educational trip to OGDC was the "Road Safety Traffic Game" where we were given permission by Irwandy Hj Lois; Head of Oil and Gas Discovery Centre of the Corporate External Affairs Department, in participating. We used bicycles and "pedal go-karts" in simulating the "Road Safety Traffic Game" to raise awareness on the rules and regulations of the road due to the recent high accident rate in Brunei and at the same time promote environmentally friendly mode of transport. It was safe to say that most of us were given (fake) fines due to breaking the Road Safety rules! 

Sights, sounds and wonders of OGDC:

Soon after the educational trip, we made our way back to UBD and arrived at the Chancellor Hall at about 4.30pm, the day ended with mixed emotion where everyone went back home with a new sense of humility and gratefulness along with wonderful memories and moments! Thank You, UVC! 

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