Friday, 12 February 2010

Special Olympics Updates

Dear Voluneteers,

I have recieved your names and the first 60 names have been forwarded to the MOH officer, Mohd Khairul, who will be incharged of training us. Prior to the special olympics event, there will be a health screening programme called The Healthy Athletes programme (HAP). Around 200-300 athletes are expected to be screened and the screening includes areas on
physical therapy, eyes, dental and podiatry

HAP will brief and train us before the actual screening day. The training is scheduled to be on Friday 5th March 2010 - morning.(venue to be confirmed) which is during our semester break. The actual screening event is a week after, on Friday, 12th March 2010. This will take place in Sekolah Menengah Berakas. For your info, this is a full day event so it has been suggested by Mohd Khairul that maybe half of the volunteers will help in the morning and some in the afternoon.

For those who have sent their details but are not in the first 60 names list, we have placed you in the waiting list. We shall try to ask if you can be in this event as well, incase some people could not make it last minute.

Hope to work with you all. =)


Atiqah Rad.
Humanitarian and Charity Asst Planner
We serve to assist, volunteering for a better future.

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